Intuition For Everyday Living Masterclass
Ditch the doubt. Find the flow.
Tired of doubt slowing you down and getting in your way?
Sick of procrastinating on the stuff you really want to make happen because you feel overwhelmed, don't know the next step, or the right choice?
In this Masterclass, you'll get targeted, expert training on getting unstuck — every time — using intuition as your juggernaut.
It's time to trust yourself fully, get the answers you need when you need them, and thrive living in flow.
Watch the trailers from the interviews.
You can learn more about the interviews and watch trailers by clicking the button below.
You've been doing okay so far in life, but what you'd really like is to trust inner guidance fully, consistently and confidently manifest your desires, and be in alignment with your Higher Self more often than not.
You're looking for your spiritual colossus, a self-help heavyweight strategy for sustainable and consistent positive change in your life.
What you really want is to ...

Get the answers you need, when you need them. No more struggling with the pain of indecision and doubt. Align with the solution, not the problem.

Enhance creativity and inspired actions bolstering confident decision-making and inner and outer states of calm flow.

Awaken inner peace and the potency of spiritual alignment. Consistently pivot around doubts and negative beliefs every time they show up instead of staying stuck in the same frustrating patterns.

Trust yourself and your choices, fully by fostering the easy, artful navigation of challenging situations. No more worrying about the past, wondering if you made the right choice, or being debilitated by future options.

Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your inner voice is real and the inspired guidance you're receiving is 100% accurate, unbiased, and leading you down the perfect path to realizing your desires and dreams.
We designed this class specifically with you!
This class is perfect for you if you're a spiritually inclined woman who lets doubt sidetrack your vision and plans. It's for you if you tend to get overwhelmed when you can't see how something will happen and then procrastinate out of fear.
We know. We've been there, too.
That's why we handpicked 20 spiritually woke coaches and teachers from around the world to share their knowledge about using intuition to consistently replace doubt in everyday life.
They delivered on that promise and more!
These phenomenal experts share exactly how to use intuition to increase creativity, replace doubt and anxiety, remote view targets, connect with your Higher Self, master channeled writing, get clear on your business, take inspired photos, heal using sound, develop resilience and a sense of humor, finish your bucket list, trust your gut, decipher the difference between fear and intuition, and more.
You'll learn how to identify the difference between intuition and imagination and what intuition feels like in YOUR body, as well as how to accurately interpret and trust inner voice messages.
When you're finished with this class, you'll know exactly how and when intuition is offering direction, how to use those ideas to augment your desired results, and how to swap doubt for inspired action every time it shows up.

Have let doubt sidetrack you one too many times. It feels like you're running in circles and that you'll never reach your goals, so you feel disappointed in yourself.

Get overwhelmed when you don't know how it'll all happen. The unknown aspect of life can be unbelievably scary, but you know in your heart there's a solution.

Let fear persuade you into putting stuff off until you know more, are older, or seem more accomplished. You don't want to make the wrong choice and feel frustrated.
Despite all that, you're truly sick and tired of things being this way. You can feel in your bones there's a way out of the darkness and you KNOW it's the right time to break free from the negative cycles. You're motivated to move away from the confusion and pain of feeling like you're heading away from what you want instead of toward it.
We've got great news!
This really is the PERFECT TIME to ditch the doubt and start living confidently in synchronic flow.
We're not talking in clichés here.
The energy on earth has shifted, so it's essential you ride this transformational wave and start trusting your inner voice today.
Getting the perfect answers to your specific wants and needs is effortless with intuition. It's the kind of guidance that ensures you're always on the path to where you want to be in the most joyful, interesting, expansive way possible.

As the masterclass host, allow me to introduce myself.
Hi. I'm Allison, an intuitive, author, and spiritual teacher. Over 4,800 international students have found their version of success in my classes on visualization, mindset, intuition, and the Law of Attraction.
My signature course is called Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake off Fear, and Unleash the Real You. (AYM)
The AYM process focuses on the ultimate power triad: opening the floodgates of intuition for increased creativity and confidence, pivoting around fear every time it shows up so you don't stay stuck, and unapologetically embracing the real you, with all your strengths and weaknesses.
AYM is a refreshing, innovative, and unique approach to spiritual and personal development that provides the necessary individualization for long-term and sustainable life success.
My gift is transforming challenging esoteric information—the nature of reality, consciousness, and beliefs, the Law of Attraction, trusting one's life path, and inner guidance, in a way that makes these concepts kindergarten easy for each person to understand and APPLY.
The Details
This self-guided online class is evergreen and has no expiration. You can join anytime.
The bonus? This class is integrated into the catalog of courses Allison teaches. If you have a question along the way, just log that question or comment in the comment section and Allison will respond within 24 hours.
The other teachers are NOT on deck to respond to questions but you can always reach out to them via their website or social media for a deeper connection.
Each expert interview/training video is approximately one hour long.
This class was original launched in February 2021 in a summit format so each sixty minute interview was segmented into two parts: the interview and the extended interview.
When you enroll today, you have access to all the interviews, both the interview and what I called the extended interview. This is how they're set up in the class, as two sections of interviews.
Twenty plus hours of content ensures you can achieve the promised transformation but is short enough to fit nicely into your busy schedule. You can binge watch or pop in whenever you want. Repeat as necessary!
This Is Not Your Average Online Masterclass
So what makes this one different?
First, this interview series style class was specifically curated for the needs of spiritual women who struggle with doubt and feel overwhelmed. The speakers were specifically chosen because of their spiritual knowledge and experience. We address what intuition is and how to use it from many different perspectives, building on what you already know as a spiritually inclined person.
Second, whether you're new to using intuition as a creative force in your life or have been dabbling in the intuitive arts for years, the breadth of expertise and variety of approaches provides valuable information for individuals at all different levels of intuitive awareness.
Third, this masterclass is designed as an actual class with a targeted transformation for students. It's NOT just an amalgamation of speakers each teaching different topics. Each video interview builds on the one before it ensuring that by the time you're done with the class you'll know how to trust and utilize intuitive guidance and break free from the chains of doubt that keep you stuck.
As your host for the interviews, Allison's extensive training in online course design ensures that you'll not only finish this course knowing how to achieve the promised transformation of ditching doubt and finding flow, but you'll also be clear on what to do next when you're done with this class instead of wrestling with information overload and confusion on how to make sense of what you just learned, which is typical of many online experiences.
The Speakers
Now for the part that'll blow your socks off. Here are the amazing instructors for the Intuition For Everyday Living Masterclass.
Each instructor was interviewed for sixty plus minutes on the highlighted topic. They definitely brought their A game! This class is seriously a steal for $49, lifetime access AND connection to Allison for additional online support.
These are not just interviews however, they're interviews with the purpose of helping you ditch the doubt and find your flow.

Laura West
Tuning into the Guidance from Our Spirit Guides

Cathy Chmilnitzky
Accessing the Higher Mind of Spirit

Nicole Perkins
Finding Expansion Using Your Inner Voice

Kiki Matoba
Connecting to Intuition Through Reiki

Daksha Madhu
Connect to Intuition Through Meditation

Amisha Ghadiali
The Power of Trusting Intuition

Bonnie Schmidt
Embracing Anxiety: Rebuild the Path to Trust

Joanne Chen
The Funny Thing About Intuition

Morgana McCabe Allan
Leading with Love, Not Fear

Andréa Michel
Master Your Inner World & Take Back Control of Life

Diane Whiddon
Get Clear on Your Business Through Intuition

Melissa Acuña Dengo
Awaken Your Inner Healer Through Intuition

Naomi Aeon
Tap into the Game-Changing Magic of Third Eye Living (Mother)

Anatola Araba
Tap into the Game-Changing Magic of Third Eye Living (Daughter)

Jess Bubbico
Following Intuition Through Human Design

Lori Williams
Controlled Remote Viewing: Tap into Your Intuitive Power

Stephanie Hall
Creativity in Photography Through An Intuitive Lens

Yvette Bodden
Writing as an Intuitive, Awakened Woman

Stephanie Leah
Nurturing Intuition in the Garden

Jennifer Hart
The Adventurous Side of Intuition

Doris Delessard
Connect and Heal Using Sound

Allison Sutter
Intuition: Conversations with Self
Learn everything you need to know to activate and increase your intuition!
The beauty of this class is that it's a thorough guide to inner voice and guidance. These are amazing intuitive teachers so we truly hope you enjoy and learn from their perspectives.
With a plethora of different fields and approaches represented, we're confident you'll find several perspectives that work well for you.
Stephanie went through this class before it launched to the public. Since it was launched in summit format, she refers to it as an 'event' which is was at the time. Now it's evergreen as a self-guided online class.
- Consistently replace your feelings of worry and doubt with excitement and ease.
- Trust your intuitively inspired ideas and inner voice/guidance are real.
- Exponentially increase your creativity and inspired actions making your daily life easier and way more fun.
- Dramatically decrease the days, weeks, and months you waste stuck in gutwrenching indecision about the things that mean the most to you in life.
- Trust yourself fully, including the knowledge that your connection to and guidance from Spirit is real, NOT imagined.