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Your Greatest Power Lies In This Simple Action

Jan 12, 2024

Power to what? Create change in your life.

Isn't that the ultimate power and what you secretly want? The power to control what's happening in your life?

This blog was challenging to begin. I started and deleted it several times.

The difficulty lies in accurately explaining why such a simple action has the most extraordinary power. This multidimensional reality is hard to understand if you're unfamiliar with how it's created.

But I'll try to explain the structure of this reality the best way I can. What I know today differs greatly from what I knew a few years ago. As we learn and grow, we expand. This expansion is also known as inclusion. We include more knowledge about ourselves as spiritual, ethereal beings.

Inclusiveness is the secret. It adds explosive power to the simple action described herein.

Because when (not if, but when) you understand this, you'll find the inner peace you seek.

Embodying the simple action described below, resistance disappears, leaving you with the beautiful truth of who you are and how to (positively) affect desired life changes with wizard-like acumen.

The real you is not a physical being. Full stop.

Take a beat and soak that in.

The real you IS NOT PHYSICAL.

Go ahead, pinch yourself.

It sure seems as if you are tangible, I agree.

When you stub your toe, it hurts. Get caught in the rain, and you get wet. Eat food, and you stave off hunger.

The human experience is a tangible one, indeed.

But it's not real.

How can I make such a bold statement when everything in this reality is rapturously sensorial?

It doesn't last.

That's my proof that it's not real.

It's magical as an experience. Quite certainly. And those experiences stay with you forever.

But the physical is an extension (expression) of the spiritual. The spirit, not-at-all-physical aspect of you, is the real you.

Everyone dies; every physical thing deteriorates, disappearing from tangible form. We all leave this sensorial experience behind at some point and reintegrate with the broader, Nonphysical us.

No one denies the fact that everything is this reality dies.

Many doubt there's something more than that, however.

The Nonphysical-you has extensive, unbridled, creative power. It is the real you because it's the eternal you.

Yes, the real you has been, and will be, around forever. It is present now. It's more of you than this physical experience is.

[The real you is concurrently reading this post, considering its unique POV as you contemplate yours.]

If you think I'm implying that your physical personality construct, as you know it to be, is the only one you can ever be, I'm not.

The physical personality construct you're intimately familiar with is ONE iteration of infinite self-expression.

The real you is connected to everywhere, everywhen, and everyone.

Spirit creates the physical experience as a kinesthetic awareness inside itself. 

This human experience is not happening "out there." It's occurring inside the parameters of your Nonphysical consciousness.

There are no boundaries, per se, to your spirit consciousness. The idea of "encapsulating" your spirit is only experientially possible by your physical mind's lack of awareness that more exists.

Connection is the fabric of the multiverse, not individualization or isolated confinement.

So, the physical mind's operating system creates the idea of separation—knowing this and not knowing that, having this experience but not having that one.

Why? To know (experience) itself from a new POV.

This new POV is instantly incorporated into the whole of who you are. Thus, an "isolated human experience" is impossible due to instant integration into the All-That-Is. 

The physical mind's awareness (or lack thereof) is the "boundary line," creating a sense of information isolation. Spirit knows "more" than physical consciousness because Nonphysical consciousness embraces its interconnectedness with Source Energy.

As you become more aware of everything in the universe, more is included in your psychic (vibrational) experience. 

There are no walls or levels of mind, for example, only more or less gradations of awareness. More or less inclusiveness. The physical mind thinks there are divided levels of mind due to its lack of awareness about the inseparable nature of the multiverse.

Boundaries or lines of demarcation are the limited physical mind's construction to witness the idea of separation—otherwise known as exclusion. It thinks, "This is this, and that is that. This begins there and stops there. That is not the same as this."

Your spirit self experiences reality as a blending of and sifting through information using focus. It's all there; what you realize at any moment is determined by what comes into focus. The object of your focus is a combination of your physical and Nonphysical vibrations.

One of the most significant human misunderstandings is that we can "change the world." There isn't one world. There are infinite, interconnection iterations of the idea of Earth.

The world you experience at any point in time is determined by your awareness and focus, both physical and Nonphysical. 

Authentic (spirit) existence is infinite. There is not one of anything but infinite.

When you change your mind and shift your vibration, you're not changing the world you're in. You're "in" a completely different world.

The preposition 'in' implies moving from one space to another. In physical reality, it appears as if you move out of one space and into another.

However, you haven't moved at all. Your Nonphysical consciousness is now embodying a different physical iteration of the infinite versions of you that always existed.

Imagine that before you lie infinite frames containing every experience in existance. Each frame has one screenshot of one iteration of infinite possibilities. All you need to do to experience that frame is focus on it ...... using vibration. You're not using your eyes to get to the desired frame. Use your vibration as the means to experience it.

The physical body uses its five senses to experience change. Nonphysical consciousness doesn't have five human senses. It has frequency modulation instead. There is no physical body to manipulate, so it uses invisible energy instead.

Everything in the universe already exists. Remember? Everything is happening now, even the experiences you want to have as this version of who you know to be yourself.

How do you get there? It's this one simple action described below.

Your experience of physical reality changes because of the frequency you hold constant. What "pops" in your reality is consistent with your active vibration.

Why? Because this reality isn't physical, it's vibrational. Vibration runs the show.

Your vibration produces your POV (point of view).

Currently, your POV is first person. You look out at a seemingly tangible world from behind your eyes. You are, for all practical purposes, the center of the universe.

It appears as if you must choose from finite options. The belief is that there's one world with a finite amount of resources, and to increase one's options, each person must change that one world.

Switch to a spirit POV.

In spirit, you recognize that THE one moment of NOW is seen through infinite POVs. You inherently know that instead of one world, there are infinite. "Inhabiting" the world of your dreams from the infinite existing worlds requires a vibrational shift. 

You are not physically moving to get to your desired experience. You are shifting an internal, invisible vibration. Its only means of identification are emotion and the results you see before you.

What are you shifting your vibration to? Allowance.

This vibrational shift "relocates" you to the world where an aspect of you is ALREADY living your dream options.

There is not one world you need to change through physical action. Physical action is not the solution for your troubles. 

There are infinite worlds and versions of self that are easily accessible to spirit by altering your vibration. You are not trying to shift your physical self to another version of Earth. You are shifting your physical vibration to match the preexisting "high" vibration of your spirit self, thereby automatically making accessible to the you you know yourself to be in your current physical form the options you wish to experience sooner rather than later.

Let's hone in on the most straightforward, powerful "action" you can do to impact the most significant positive change in your life.


Let it all go. 

Drop your oars. Go "limp noodle."

In other words, stop resisting, emotionally pushing against, and allow what it is just be. 

Yes, you have stuff you keep active in your experience because you're resisting it. How do I know? You're human and the human experience is about turning the darkness into the light.

Let go of:

  • misunderstandings
  • fights
  • others not making the changes you think they need to make
  • hatred
  • jealousy
  • self-loathing
  • animosity
  • anger
  • annoyance
  • frustration
  • fear
  • insistence
  • panic
  • apathy

You pick the category. Maybe it's a subject you lived or someone else experienced or continues to experience.

Can you find it and put it to rest?

This is the most extraordinary creative power in all of the universe. It's the ability to make peace with what is and stop pushing against it.

Stop emotionally, mentally, and/or physically pushing against:

  • the person who lied/lies to you
  • the experience where you felt cheated
  • your alcohol/drug abuse or that of someone else
  • the times you felt you failed or disappointed someone 
  • not getting what you thought you needed to thrive
  • ***add your grievance to this list*** 

Shifting your vibration is the most powerful way to create your desired changes. It's not a physical action you add to your To-Do List. It's a psychic action.

Why is this inner action so powerful? Because the physical reality is an experience happening inside your Nonphysical consciousness. 

How do you shift your vibration? Let go of the stuff that's bothering you. Find an inner space of calm. While this shift is not a physical action, its power is undeniable. 

Let me know how it goes.

If you're interested in working with me in a coaching capacity, visit my website to learn more or email me directly at [email protected] with questions.

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