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Why is this happening? Discover what experiences reveal.

Jul 03, 2023


Before I get to the part where I share the why, let's revisit some basic principles regarding this time-space reality.

  • You exist. You'll never not exist.
  • You are a loving Nonphysical consciousness experiencing itself through a temporary lens of separation from All That Is.
  • The experience of physical reality is created inside your broader consciousness. Its purpose is to know yourself from a new, never-before-seen perspective.
  • As seen through the physical perspective, "negative" or "bad," as you've come to think of specific experiences, are unique qualities (points of view/POVS) created by a consciousness that intentionally sees itself as temporary, limited, and separate from an eternal loving source of energy. Nothing wrong can ever really happen to you when you consider Who-You-Really-Are.

The statement, "Why is this happening?" typically has negative connotations. Rarely do you exclaim, "Why is this happening!?" referring to enjoyable situations. The question invokes a sense of victimization. It implies you have no control over your situation, perspective, or feelings. The question automatically implies that whatever just happened only has a downside. Asking it acknowledges what you believe: this should not be happening. Things should be different.

Are you aware the basis of this particular time-space reality is vibrational?

Sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell are the obvious ways in which reality gets translated. Intuition is another vibrational translator. It's sometimes called the "sixth sense."

Emotions are another recognizable way in which vibrations get translated. They work in tandem with beliefs. When something feels real to you, it reinforces the activated belief associated with the feeling. 

When something happens that you don't want or don't prefer, it can trigger negative (constricted) emotions. It often brings up negative beliefs. Those negative emotions produce thoughts that align with the emotion—reinforcing the belief.

The same cycle occurs for positive beliefs. We enjoy positive beliefs, don't notice the cycle as much, and generally don't want anything to change.

Let's focus on what happens when negative situations and beliefs arise to shed some light on the why aspect of the statement, "Why is this happening?"

Imagine you were fired from your job. You need the money, so you think, "Why is this happening?" 

You're flooded with negative emotions and thoughts. The experience is incredibly uncomfortable.

Feelings are the most significant part of what you perceive as negative experiences. Feelings are the first recognition of an active belief. Feelings are tangible manifestations. They clue you into the belief behind the feeling. Beliefs are energetic patterns/structures around which you curate your life.

What is the panic about regarding job loss? You must pause to examine the belief.

What do you believe about job loss that enables you to feel the way you do?

Do you believe you won't get another job? A better one? Do you believe that you'll lose your home? Family? Do you believe job loss indicates your value or worth as a person? Do you believe you can't live without money? Do you believe life is only enjoyable with a certain about money, status, or accomplishment? Do you believe that particular job was your only path to creating what you want? Do you believe you were wrongly fired? Do you believe you just lost "the best" job you'll ever have? Do you fear the unknown? Do you believe you're not ready or can't handle the situation?

Humans tend to think in either/or terms instead of and. You are ready, and you can handle this situation. We never give ourselves more than we can handle. It's happening = you're ready. Quell your resistance and shift to the energy of allowing.

We are Nonphysical consciousness, creating the experience of physical time-space reality inside our consciousness to know ourselves from a new POV. This is the WHY of all negative situations and circumstances.

It's a simple answer but profound in so many ways.

We create our individualized realities to know ourselves from a new perspective. Other people and (seemingly) external situations happen inside our consciousness "cocoon." Sometimes, the only way to expose limiting beliefs is to co-create/create experiences that highlight them. We become aware of beliefs because they come up due to specific experiences.

When you have a feeling about something, the belief is being exposed.

Regarding job loss, sit with the question, What would I BELIEVE is true about myself—relative to this topic or idea, to FEEL how I do?

Take the time to examine the negative feeling. The feeling is ONLY possible because of the belief structure through which you are flowing energy—right now. If you didn't believe negatively about job loss, you would not have the feeling you're experiencing.

Right behind the negative feeling sits the belief that you desire to change. When you have a feeling, there is always a belief aiding in its creation. When you identify, examine, and change a negative belief, you will no longer require situations necessary to expose it. You'll be done with that negative belief and the situations it helped create.

Negative beliefs and experiences are the bonus of this time-space reality. The diversity of thought and experiences is WHY you project your consciousness here. This time-space reality is an extraordinary place to create a rich, diverse psychic experience. 

Beliefs are only energy structures. In and of themselves, they have no power. The co-creative relationship with feelings creates the reinforcing mechanism of belief structures. The power is in how they work together to make things in physical reality feel so real.

The WHY of Why is this happening? is multifaceted. One of the "reasons" is to reveal a negative belief so you can examine and change it. Another reason is to highlight an existing Point of View and allow you to change it.

Every experience contains multiple perspectives, three of which are: positive, negative, and neutral. The POV you choose is initially often guided by the existing belief. Taking the time to shift your POV can help you shift a negative belief.

Take the time right now to consider a situation where you immediately engaged a negative POV and feeling.

Perhaps you're going through a period of change. Maybe you're shifting relationships, friendships, or employment. You might be creating something new—a creative project, a new health protocol, or a new or expanding business.

If you've been asking yourself, "Why is this happening?" and feeling a negative emotion, sit with the feeling instead of running from it or numbing it. Numbing doesn't make fear or a negative belief disappear. It strengthens it.

Beliefs are only emotionalized thoughts you keep thinking. That's it. Allow them to come into your awareness. They are only scary because of the feeling associated with them. Feelings are what make experiences real. 

Instead of thinking the negative situation (or feeling) indicates something negative about yourself or life, ask yourself, "What do I believe is true about myself concerning this situation to feel the way I do?"

Write down some possible answers. Know that when you hit on the negative belief, you'll know it. You'll feel the perfection of the energetic structure. Say to yourself, "Aha! I see you—negative belief. I celebrate and honor you, for without you, I never would have known myself from this particular POV. I am clear regarding how you've served me now that you've been exposed. I am empowered (by seeing you for what you are) to change you. Now that you're out in the light, you are no longer part of my creative narrative. I am free of you and you of me. Let's go separate ways and appreciate this temporary connection."

Once you've exposed the negative belief, it no longer serves you in the way that it did. How did it serve? It provided you with a new POV about yourself. It allowed you to hold an idea in place, creating a diverse reality experience. It allowed you to know yourself from a never-before-seen POV. 

A negative is only a negative if you say it is. All experiences have inherent positive attributes, which can only be seen through adopting a different POV.

Every situation contains positive, negative, and neutral. The negative experience you're having now serves you in that it's highlighting a negative belief structure so you can change it and no longer require it for your never-ending expansion as a Nonphysical consciousness.

Why is this happening? Because it's essential for your soul expansion. It provides the service of allowing you to see yourself differently.


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