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What's the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be?

Nov 19, 2023

Are you a goal-setter? A vision-boarder? Do you require motivation to "make things happen" in your life? Do you meditate to create? Say affirmations? Is the answer to stop caring so much about what other people think?

I remember working with a well-known personal development coach in 2014. He believed setting goals was the best way (and most powerful) to make life changes. He convinced me that the recipe for success in getting everything I wanted was to listen to his expertise and do what he said.

He instructed me to:

  • Set "big" goals.
  • Get up earlier to "get more done."
  • Join the mastermind he'd created for me with other program participants.
  • Come to his additional training(s) because we weren't learning what we needed from the base training. This was an additional fee. If we weren't successfully selling his coaching program, we "clearly" were doing it wrong, and the answer was more training. However, it wasn't business training but concept training on his materials.
  • Volunteer to facilitate his 3-day programs (for free). It was a privilege; only a few "special" people were invited. Travel, food, and additional fees were ours to cover. He promised if we just followed directions, we'd recoup our costs through program sales. After all, we were part of this "The First Million" club.
  • Host "mastermind" calls to teach the concepts in his book. This was also done for free because it was a "privilege" to teach his material.

I believed this was "the way" to create the life changes I wanted. I was at a vulnerable place in my life. (Vulnerable, in this contest, means I had active beliefs that aligned with what he was telling me—which was you're not enough as you are, and I can tell you how to be and do "better.") I was unaware of how this reality is created and highly influenced by what I perceived as success, fame, and wealth. I was insecure with myself and my life. I thought I needed to be different to be worthy.

I was new to the self-help movement. This person was famous so obviously he knew secrets I didn't. Why else would so many people be enamored by him? How else could he make millions every year?

If I knew then what I know now about the structure of this reality, how permission slips work, what manifestation is, and how things show up in our realities, I could have saved myself 20K, three years of frustration, and exacerbated self-doubt and anxiety.

In today's blog, I'm sharing what I have learned about how to shift more consistently from where you are to where you want to be. I talk about the structure of this reality, what permission slips are and how they work, what manifestation is, and how to get more of the experiences you want to show up in your life.

The Structure of This Reality

The structure of this time-space reality is simple: there is only One moment: Now. NOW is viewed through infinite perspectives. Looking through the lens of the physical experience, it appears as if time is passing, and you're moving from this space to that.

This is why so many people—when thinking about getting different results, perceive the journey as traveling from "here" to "there." They think: I am experiencing one thing today, and I need to get to a "future" time-space moment where something else is occurring. I can only get there by following a path, whether prescribed or freeform.

The common thought process is, "If I do something different—such as change my behavior, the external environment will change." πŸ‘‰This includes the above list of actions from my personal development coach. He told me what to do, thinking the actions would make THE difference between my life now and "in the future." The actions were supposed to help me "alter my path" and thus change my future results.

I was taught by the personal development company that my life would not change unless I did exactly what a particular person told me. He was confident that behaviors were impeding his client's "success."

Ironically, his program was centered on "change your thinking" to create new levels of manifestation. Still, he insisted I change my actions first by following his rules, spending more money on his additional programs, and working his programs for free. My actions being different were supposed to signify a difference in my thinking.

If only.

You can change behavior with zero change in thinking. "I work SO hard, and nothing is changing!"

It's even possible to think of different thoughts with zero shifts in your frequency. "I'm not anxious about public speaking; I'm excited!" said the freaked-out person.

Nothing changes in your reality without you emanating a higher, more inclusive "positive" frequency. 

This time-space reality is a mirror of your NOW frequency and nothing more. It's incredibly forthright and simple when you look at it this way.

I know time-space sounds like an impossible concept to understand. And it is—when looking through the perspective of the physical mind. For time-space to make sense, you must shift your POV (point of view).

The physical mind's POV is akin to being on the hiking trail. When you're walking the forest path, all you can see is a few feet in front of you. The landscape is rugged; the trees, hills, and brambles obscure your view.

The physical mind thinks in CONSECUTIVE ORDER—ONE THING AFTER ANOTHER. It's never going to process information any other way. So, when trying to get from "here to there" using the process speed, rate, and structure of the physical mind, you'll always be stuck in "first, second, third" order. You'll always believe that to create change, you must follow a step-by-step process. It's the only method that makes sense to the physical mind.

Your Nonphysical mind's POV is from the mountaintop. It has all the information you need to reach your destination safely in any order—not necessarily logical and consecutive.

The Nonphysical mind doesn't work in consecutive order. It doesn't need to because it can see the infinite POVs of the ONE moment "in time." It sees it all at once and gives the physical mind options from the infinite choices.

Intuition works to help guide the physical mind to see things differently. Often, intuitive ideas seem "out of place." They don't make sense logically because they are being sent from a Higher Mind mountain-top view. If you could see the infinite, unique ways to create change, why in the world would you follow the scripted path?

The physical mind thinks in consecutive order. It's the only path it's designed to follow. It constructs a frame-by-frame movie, giving you the experience of going from "here to there."

I once heard a quantum physicist say there are nine billion moments of NOW in one second. That's a high-resolution movie! The construction of the frames and your viewing them "in order" gives you the time-space experience.

What you have control over is the frame selection. When you choose similar content frames, things seem to stay the same. Choosing (drastically) different frames gives the appearance of "quantum leaping" from one "timeline" to another.

You are choosing, by the way. There is no such thing as the Law of Insertion in this reality. Your physical mind may not understand what's showing up, but your soul does. Each of us chooses themes to explore for this physical experience.

A theme is like a hallway. You will walk down a certain hallway, but HOW you walk down the hallway is your choice. You can open all the doors, look out all the windows, hop, skip, jump, or crawl. You can yell, whisper, or remain silent. You creatively choose HOW you walk down your "hallway," but you will walk down the hallway you choose before experiencing physical reality. 

So, my point is that instead of thinking that YOU have to move from here to there by struggling through the thicket of physical reality, you can take the POV of "standing still" and collating the movie frames based on your frequency NOW.

In other words, don't think of this time-space reality as you travel from one place to another.

Instead, you stand in the ONE place, gathering and constructing the "movie" you want from infinite NOW frames.

What's in the frames that you want to experience? What does your new movie (life) look like? Draw them "toward" you by shifting your vibration. This more accurate time-space POV does not require you to "work hard" following someone else's instructions.

And yes, this is a physical reality where action is required, but it does not have to be according to someone else's dictates. It does not require you to "get more done" in your day by getting up early and following a set plan such as "big" goal setting.

Instead, follow your intuition. Understand how synchronicity works. Allow yourself to be the "director" of your movie instead of all the writers, producers, art, sound, camera, electrical, and visual effects departments rolled up in one.  

The Higher Mind can guide action. It is possible to act from inspiration instead of fear. The journey and the results will be drastically different.

Permission Slips

Anything in life can be a "permission slip" helping you create the changes you want. A permission slip can be a thought, idea, or experience.

For a few years, I followed a medial medium. He suggested drinking celery juice to help with health challenges. When it started to work, I got so excited. I thought, "This is it! This will cure whatever ails me now and in the future!"

Celery juice was a permission slip to allow the already-present good health to show itself in my body.

I know this isn't very clear. We are so used to external things being the reason something changes internally. Alas, external reality does not change internal challenges. Why? External reality is a reflection of internal reality.

When I joined the aforementioned coaching program, I imagined it would be the thing to create my desired changes. I mused, "This will make me millions. I know it! It says it in the brochure! The sales guy told me, "You've got to spend money to make money," and I did. I took the action! I'm going to be rich!"

It wasn't my permission slip.

For some people, it appeared to work. I say appeared because I only know what they told me. I don't know what truly happened or if their touted success lasted.

Recently, writing books has been my permission slip to allow myself a greater connection with my Higher Self.

We have permission slips so that we eventually DON'T NEED THEM ANYMORE. We use them to align with the natural abundance and love in the universe. They ultimately become obsolete because we achieved what we intended by interacting with them.

I love writing books, blogs, vlogs, etc. It's my pleasure and passion to write. But I no longer NEED it to feel aligned with my Higher Self. Its intended purpose has expired.

I don't currently drink celery juice daily. Its intended purpose in my life is no longer needed. The specific reasons (life lessons and self-awareness) I started drinking, which were health AND spiritually related, are no longer relevant for me to experience. I got what I had intended by first being attracted to them as permission slips. Now that I have achieved what I thought I needed them for, I no longer need to include them in my life.

I am currently exploring other permission slips in all areas of my life.

This is how permission slips work: we use them until we no longer need them. Then, we explore new ones. This is one of the many ways we engage with physical reality to explore getting to know ourselves on different levels and in unexpected ways.


You don't need to learn "how to manifest." You already do manifest—all day, every day. When people talk about manifesting, they're usually talking about the idea of making different things appear in life. I've heard this referred to as "intentional" manifestation.

The simplest way to intentionally manifest is to understand the nature and structure of this time-space reality. If you believe that action creates change in this reality, you will work harder than necessary.

Because it doesn't.

If you're already skilled in manifesting—which you are because you have a life with people and stuff in it, then there's little you have to learn about the process of manifestation.

Instead, give yourself kudos for being "90%" of the way there. The last 10% (re: intentionality) is simple and requires less work.

Here's ONE way to approach intentionality. There are infinite other ways.

As you begin your day, remember you're a "manifestor." Acknowledge that you create this reality, even if that initially seems scary.

Notice what's happening.

As you drive to work, look at the people, cars, and buildings. Play with the idea that these perceptions (perceptions are your individual, unique POVs) are happening inside your consciousness. Get familiar with what you're creating. Nothing is happening outside you. It's all being created inside your overall consciousness as an experience.

Explore the concepts of perceptions and emotional resonance.

You are perceiving everything in your reality according to your beliefs. Beliefs announce what they are (positive or negative) via your emotions. Emotions are clues as to the nature of your current, in-this-moment beliefs.

You manifest according to what you believe. Beliefs are NOT hidden. You do not need to fear what you believe. If it's negative, such as I'm not good enough, I don't trust myself, or I'll never be happy, SO WHAT!? Every single person on this planet has negative beliefs. They are not unique to you.

You no longer need to feel shameful because you host negative beliefs. Face them head-on. They are there because you created them to help you learn more about yourself. They DO NOT possess the power you feel they do.

The structure of negative beliefs is exclusive, meaning they exclude things from your experience. They create a sense of separation from the love and wholeness that you are because it's what they're designed to do. You're not actually separated from Source energy. It only feels like it.

Feelings are what make this reality seem so concrete. They work in tandem with a belief so it stays relevant and active.

If there's an emotion, there's a belief triggering that emotion. Pay attention to your emotions. Run from them no longer! Facing them while understanding why they are there is what zaps their perceived power.

You don't need to label them specifically. Notice whether they are constricting—trending toward negative, or expansive—trending toward positive.

Negative beliefs are exclusive, separative, and leave stuff out. Positive beliefs are inclusive, expanding, and include more.

These are the STRUCTURES of each type of belief. You'll never make a negative belief into a positive one. Positive ones ALREADY exist. Decide that's what you want to resonate with, and find the permission slips that allow you the self-awareness to recognize how you're creating your reality.

How To Get More of the Experiences You Want to Show Up In Life

I've described the how above. The following concepts help with intentional manifestation, which is not about following prescribed rules and procedures. Instead, hone your intuition. Learn how it's guiding you and follow it.

  • Understand the nature of this time-space reality.
  • Recognize when you're stuck in the "should" spaces and move away.
  • Notice which permission slips you gravitate toward and how long they last before you don't need them any longer.
  • Praise yourself for being skilled at manifestation. Honor that "intentional" manifestation is not about working harder or doing more in physical reality but instead being present in this NOW moment and allowing yourself the grace to practice collating the "movie" you'd prefer frame by frame.

Coming to terms with the fact that you create your reality has nothing to do with feeling more of a victim. This reality is ripe with contrast and will never be anything else. Being mad at myself, feeling guilty, or embarrassed for creating massive financial and emotional contrasts from 2014-2017 does not allow for intentional "positive" results in my current reality.

If I want to "collate a frame-by-frame" movie in every moment of NOW, I must insist that I align with my love-based Higher Self. I understand that future results are available now. What allows them to reveal themselves in my life? My vibration—which influences my perception.

The results, WHICH ARE RELEVANT FOR ME TO EXPERIENCE IN THIS LIFETIME, are available now. It's all up to me. I must come from a place of understanding how this time-space reality operates and organize myself according to its basic laws—the most fundamental of which is I'M CREATING THIS PHYSICAL REALITY EXPERIENCE INSIDE MY OVERALL CONSCIOUSNESS

If you have any questions about this blog post, feel free to email me. I work with clients one-on-one using my Accelerate Your Mojo program—helping you hone your intuition, transform fear, and embrace the power of authenticity. You can learn more here if you'd like to work with me in 2024. I accept clients on a rolling basis. If I have space and you and I are a match, we'll begin ASAP.

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