The True Power Behind Beliefs and How to Shift Negative Ones
Apr 07, 2024
Most people today understand the concept of beliefs. They know that negative beliefs feel and transpire into negative experiences and positive ones into more pleasing experiences.
But are you connecting the dots between your active beliefs and present circumstances? Do you recognize the mechanics of belief structures and experiences in external reality?
Shifting beliefs changes your internal and external realities. Your active beliefs are foundational in your life.
But they have no real power.
Here's why:
Beliefs are only structural. They influence the types of experiences you have in life, yes, but they don't create them.
Your home has a structural foundation. It creates the general outline of the house, but it doesn't determine the type of material you use for the walls and roof or the decor.
The structural foundation doesn’t create the transformative experience you have living in your house. It’s everything inside and how it feels that determines your home ownership experience.
Imagine a Play-Doh Fun Factory shape-making matching. When a blob of Play-Doh is put into the chute on top, it comes out exactly like the mold on the end. It doesn't change the Play-Doh's color, texture, or consistency.
A circle mold only produces a circle-shaped doh. A square is molded as a square, and so on.
A negative belief has a specific "shape." Flowing your consciousness (energy) through a specific belief shape will always produce that shape.
What “shape” does a belief have?
The structure of a negative belief is separative. Negative isn’t a term of judgment. It’s a description of the function of the energy. Negative means exclusive. Information is left out.
Not having all the information and knowing all your choices can feel scary.
Positive beliefs are structurally inclusive. They include, bring together and mirror true abundance in thought, word and deed.
Believing that somewhere lies your solutions feels comforting. Allow synchronicity to do the heaving lifting for you, bringing you an abundance of options.
You have negative beliefs in an overall positive life experience. Positive includes more of everything: ideas, thoughts annd experiences including negative.
Life is not about getting rid of all negative thoughts and experiences. A positive life is about responding differently to the negative perception of an experience.
Every experience holds positive, negative and neutral within it. You decide the meaning.
Did you know changing a belief's structure (shape) is impossible? A negative belief never becomes a positive belief.
To get positive results, use a different mold shape.
A negative belief still exists when you no longer focus on it. Taking it out of rotation in your life doesn't mean it isn't still available. It is. You can "reattach" it to your life later if you need to.
And you might need to to get a positive outcome from a negative experience.
Beliefs are, in a sense, pragmatic. You know what you'll get when you flow energy through a specific structure. They are straightforward, logical, and easy to understand.
Beliefs themselves are inert.
The power behind beliefs is emotion. Emotions are what make experiences feel real.
The most influential of all your beliefs is the one that says, "This reality experience is real."
Every other belief is a cohort of this one. This reality "feels real" due to an emotional looping effect, so certain beliefs remain consistent at specific points in your life.
A belief is reinforced because it is repeated and reinvigorated by the emotion. The prefix "re" means again.
Repeated emotions create the experience of stability. They hold thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and experiences in a looping pattern, making them appear to remain in place.
If it's a positive emotion, it creates a sense of stability and well-being. A person feels blocked, trapped, or out of control if it's a negative emotion.
The belief has no actual power in your life. Your emotions create experiential patterns.
When allowing negative beliefs to fall away and encouraging more positive beliefs, noticing the power of your emotional reactions to people, thoughts, ideas, and situations helps significantly.
Notice what emotions stir when someone says something positive or negative about you or someone you love. What is the emotion? On a scale of one to ten, what is the intensity of the sensation?
At first, you might default to saying, "I don't know how I feel."
When you first begin investigating your inner reality, that is normal. Take your time, and don't pressure yourself to figure it out today. Give yourself grace.
Remind yourself that you don't need to "change [all] your beliefs" to "change your [whole] life." That famous phrase can feel daunting when you can't clearly identify your feelings or active beliefs.
If you desire to change certain circumstances in life, begin by noticing how you feel about certain ideas and what the intensity is regarding those ideas. Start with one idea. I've listed some popular ones below.
How do you feel about your current state of health?
How do you feel about your age? Body?
How do you feel about your current relationship with one family member?
How do you feel about your finances? How do you feel about the possibility of changing your financial status or your active debits?
Notice how you feel. Your emotional resonance tells you the basic structure of your active belief regarding the topic you're thinking about.
You don't need to describe the active belief in words. Identify whether it feels constricting or expanding.
A constricting belief (negative) makes your body tighten and your mind cloud. It produces adrenalin, cortisol, and other fear-based hormones. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty separate you from ease.
An expanding belief (positive) allows your body to relax and invigorates the mind. Imagination takes off when you feel easy about an idea, person, or situation.
The first step in changing a belief is not identifying it. It's noticing the strength, duration, and trend of a sensation (feeling) in your body.
No one has an active belief in this reality without a corresponding feeling. Why? Emotions reinforce the primary assumption (belief) that this reality and its experiences are real.
Physical reality takes place inside your Nonphysical consciousness. It's a projection of your consciousness. When you transition back to 100% Nonphysical consciousness, you realize that this reality wasn't real in its physical manifestational form.
Conversely, it’s very real in terms of emotions, mental and psychic experiences.
When you release yourself from this 4-D playground, you only take your mental, emotional, and psychic experiences with you into the spiritual realm.
Nothing physical goes with you into the spiritual realm because physical reality is only a projection of your Non-physical consciousness. There isn't anything outside of you happening.
The one rule of this reality is that things deteriorate. It takes focus to keep them present. Seasons, days, hairstyles, ideas, and logic changes.
When you identify how you feel about an experience, you (begin the process of deciding) decide whether you want that [physical] experience to continue or diminish.
Every time you notice a negative (or positive) emotion about an idea, thought, or person, remind yourself that the strength of your emotional response is holding that experience in place.
If it's positive, stay the course.
If it’s negative, find a way to slow the emotional velocity.
Say to yourself, "I'm noticing a strong emotional response (anger, fear, anxiety, doubt, etc.) to this idea/experience/person. My big emotions mean I have a negative belief active. That’s exciting! I've spotted a negative belief in real-time. Slowing my emotional response is more important than finding the words to describe exactly what the negative belief is."
Then …
Take a walk.
Switch the topic.
Walk away.
Hug a tree.
Tell yourself you don't need to find a solution or "change the negative" belief today to affect your reality positively.
You hold the power to determine what shows up in your reality. You have the information to shift to different beliefs, altering your reality experience.
You got this.
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