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Shift Anxiety with Intuition & Awareness

Jul 11, 2023

When I worked as an assistant preschool teacher, plastic translucent color paddles were used to play with the principles of color mixing. Kids explored their environment by looking at items through different color paddles or mixing them to discover new colors.

Looking at life through different "lenses" (beliefs/energy structures) provides the experience of "shifting" a sensation such as fear, doubt, or anxiety in the same way that looking at objects through different colored paddles changes what you see and how you experience that object.

Feeling anxious is horrible. It tends to consume your being and makes everyday activities so much more complicated. Often those who struggle with anxiety and fear have tried numerous ways to get rid of fear and anxiety—from conventional to holistic approaches, only to find that it returns repeatedly.

In my experience, there is no way to banish negative emotions. Every thought, idea, and energy ever created still exists. We reconnected with it by being on the same wavelength as it.

With that in mind, nothing—thoughts, ideas, feelings, beliefs, can ever be obliterated. Exploring negative sensations and shifting away when they arise are more critical to healing than attempting to "get rid" of them.

Everyone experiences negative emotions at some point, and they serve a very important purpose. In a previous blog post, I explored the "why" of negative beliefs and feelings.

Intentionally shifting away from anxiety when it surfaces is a practical approach to healing. Pretending those anxious feelings don't exist, trying to get rid of them forever, or hiding them with substances doesn't work. It's better to explore them with a sense of curiosity rather than suppressing them.

How do you define intuition?

Intuition is a third reality similar to a portal or interface. This computer is an interface between us. A cell phone is a translating mechanism much the same way intuition is. You're not hearing her voice when you speak with your mom on the phone. Instead, you hear a digital translation of the vibration of her voice.

Intuition translates information from Nonphysical, multidimensional sources. You might receive ideas from your Higher Self, spirit guides, soul teams, or multidimensional personality structures. Because it is connected to benevolence, intuition always provides loving, helpful information.

Intuition is a reliable way for you to solve problems and gather information. It's a source of guidance and reassurance.

How do you define awareness?

Awareness is the ability to recognize something about yourself that you didn't necessarily know before. Expanding and integrating new ideas and knowledge creates a greater sense of safety, self-acceptance, and self-control.

Combining intuition and awareness empowers you to shift away from anxiety repeatedly. Another way of explaining "shifting away" is to focus energy in another direction.

Anxiety is only possible (as an experience) because of an activated limiting belief. Each person's negative belief will sound slightly different, but a few common core beliefs are:

  • I don't know enough.
  • I'm not good enough.
  • I'm not loveable.
  • I can't do/handle this.

One of the main reasons you project your consciousness into this time-space reality is to know yourself better. Anxiety often serves as an indicator that a core limiting belief is active. In this way, it serves on a high level, encouraging awareness and the exploration of existing beliefs.

We only hold onto beliefs that serve us. It's a misunderstanding to say that negative beliefs don't serve on a high level. They do, perhaps at the highest level. For without them, you could never know what beliefs you wanted to change. They would be unidentifiable.

Shifting your focus away from an active limiting belief and onto ideas such as:

  • I'm enough as I am right now.
  • I know enough right now.
  • I'm loved, loving, and loveable.
  • I create my reality. If something is happening, that is my proof that I can handle it. There is nothing specific I need to do.
  • My inner guidance is working with me, helping me know what to do next at each moment.

This reality is a prime opportunity to examine beliefs of all types and use them to know yourself better. 


5 Keys to Mastering Intuition Cheat Sheet!

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