Manifestation Doesn't Require a Special Skill Set
Jul 21, 2024
You can learn to manifest; I can teach you! was a loud drumbeat in 2013 when I entered the self-help scene. The Secret hit the internet in 2006, and the wave of excitement regarding manifestation continued long after that.
There was a "secret" to manifesting, and before 2006, no one had figured it out—allegedly. Calling the movie THE Secret (as opposed to Learn My Secrets to Manifesting, for example) was a clever marketing tactic to stir up a massive case of wealth FOMO.
The Wikipedia page discusses the marketing and how the film's backers specifically targeted money because "money is the number one thing on the masses' minds." The film is reported to have grossed 56 million dollars by 2007.
There is nothing in The Secret book or movie that you don't already intuitively know. Slick marketing makes us believe there is, but there isn't.
Here are a few thoughts that might help you better understand the idea of manifestation.
When you decide, as a Nonphysical consciousness/soul energy, to experience a physical reality, the thought itself is a manifestation.
You manifest thoughts, feelings, and physical and nonphysical experiences nonstop, day and night. You manifest in spirit form and in physical. Manifestation is an automated process requiring no extra energy on your part. It's super natural.
A concert dome—a Stereographic Projection sphere in Los Vegas called the Sphere—provides an immersive visual and sensory experience. Imagine that the Los Vegas Sphere is similar to how Nonphysical consciousness creates its immersive 3-D experience.
Imagine standing (floating) at the center of a sphere. Your consciousness then projects its translation/interpretation of THE VIBRATION OF physical reality onto the inside of the sphere wall. It's a gigantic surround screen reflecting how you perceive reality.
If you ask two people to describe the same experience, you'll get two very different versions of reality. No two people perceive reality in the same way. The green you see is not the green I perceive. However, it's similar enough that we can talk about it as if it's the same shade. This is called consensus reality.
Another word for manifestation is creativity. Creativity is change.
Change is the natural trajectory of the universe. Change is constant, and things must constantly expand or contract to change. Change is creative in that it creates more of everything.
You create. You are naturally creative. It's a byproduct of being a Nonphysical consciousness having a physical experience.
I'm not talking about creativity in terms of being able to draw a picture or play an instrument. Creativity typically means one thing to people. They have a definition in mind.
I'm talking about creativity being integral to your eternal soul expansion. When I say soul, I'm including your physical reality experience because physical reality manifests inside your soul. You don't have a soul "relocate" itself inside your body. Instead, your soul energy intensely focuses on densifying energy inside itself.
For lack of a better analogy, it creates an encapsulated "ball of energy" that becomes what you perceive as a separate-from-the-soul physical incarnation. But the irony is it's all happening inside the soul's energy field. The soul never left "the great beyond" to deposit itself inside your body. The "veil" people perceive between spirits and themselves is only the negative energy (negative is not a judgment term) of separation necessary to even have a physical experience in the first place.
If your soul energy never created a false barrier of densified energy between your physical POV and your spirit self, a human experience would be impossible.
As a non-physical consciousness creating a physical experience, you create (manifest, perceive) experiences you love and some you don't. You create experiences that surprise and delight you and some that horrify you.
The types of experiences you create inside your consciousness are born from frequency modulation. You are HIGH frequency as your natural self. "High" means expanded, inclusive, connected, and constructive. ["Low" frequency means contracting, exclusive, seperative, and disconnected.]
Vibrating with HIGH energy is your Nonphysical essence. Vibrations aren't "physical" until there's an entity with physical perceptive ability nearby to perceive them in that specific way.
When a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? No, it makes a vibration. Sound is created inside the entity's perceptive field. Perception is a personal, creative experience orchestrated inside the creator's energy.
How you perceive the world around you IS a manifestation. POV is creating your experience.
How you translate your physical, mental, emotional, and psychic experiences IS a manifestation.
What else is a manifestation?
Washing your hair.
Grocery shopping.
Sleeping and dreaming.
Feeling sad watching a ROMCOM.
Sticking your toes in the sand.
Yelling at your mom.
Reading a book.
Chewing gum.
Going to work.
Scrapping your knee.
Drinking lemonade.
Getting frustrated because you believe manifesting is a secret and something is being withheld from you IS A MANIFESTATION of your creation.
This reality occurs inside your consciousness and is an "automated" process. In this context, automation means something that happens without your conscious direction, like your heartbeat, which is "automated."
Active beliefs stay relevant because they're focused upon. You can feel them in your experience.
Inactive beliefs disappear from your experience because you're no longer giving them energy. You can tell what beliefs are active by how you feel and what you perceive in your reality experience.
Chances are high that you no longer believe monsters live under your bed. When you're young, this belief serves you. You focus on it, keeping it active in your reality experience because you believe it keeps you safe. It is serving you, and you don't let it go because the alternative is worse.
You can't let the idea go because if you did and didn't feel the impulse to jump as far away from the bed as possible, the monsters might grab you when your feet touch the floor.
Believing that manifesting surprising and delightful experiences is easy and doesn't require goals, vision boards, or "invoking" the LOA requires shifting a belief. The only reason any person doesn't change to a more abundance-based belief is because, at this moment, the alternative seems worse. If something looks a certain way, you have a curated POV.
The belief that you don't know "how to manifest" and need to learn "the [one] secret" stays active because the alternative is worse. What is your alternative belief? What belief is worse than not having the proper skill set to manifest experiences that delight and surprise?
I don't know what your beliefs are; I only know mine.
Reveal a negative belief by asking yourself What would I need to believe is true about myself—relative to this situation, to feel the way I do?
How does a negative belief serve you? Why do we keep them active in our experience? Because we believe the alternative is worse.
For many years, I hid my passions and abilities as a channel, medium, and intuitive. The belief that I needed to hide them served me on a "high" level. Thinking I needed to hide a natural part of myself was a negative belief because it prevented me from experiencing more things aligned with these abilities.
What would be worse than keeping my abilities hidden? Being seen and ridiculed. It's worse to be told, "It's all in your head," and that I was making stuff up. My Dad told me not to "think too hard" about spiritual ideas. He told me my passions weren't worth it or real in a "nice" way.
Be patient and allow your self-awareness to increase over time. You can manifest the perfect situation to encourage self-awareness growth.
I understand what people mean when they say, I want to learn to manifest!
It can be tricky to overcome the fascination with manifesting everything you want exactly as you want until you realize you always get everything you need to expand as a Non-physical eternal being—creatively. Nothing is ever left out. You are always complete, worthy, and deserving.
A powerful mantra is:
I manifest (create, perceive) everything in my reality. Nothing enters my perception unless I am vibrationally coherent with it.
If I experience something I don't prefer, it is an opportunity to examine my active beliefs more deeply. [Thus, it is a positive because it is a new opportunity to know myself better.]
If I create something I like, I'm equally on track. Manifestation automatically contains moments of contraction and expansion, exactly like breathing.
My lungs expand and contract. This is life itself.
I perceive things I prefer and things I don't. This is life itself.
Nothing is wrong because I don't have everything I want now.
I always get everything I need, so all is well. I'll always desire more and yearn to create; it's the nature of my being.
I am not trying to convince you to give up your dreams. Instead, I'm offering a way to create unforeseen (unimagined) experiences that delight and astound you. All things are possible as creative beings.
What are you allowing into your reality today? Can you shift your POV from negative to positive?
One reason a soul incarnates is to experience limitations uniquely. Physical reality is an opportunity to move through the idea of victimhood in a way that the spirit never does.
The movie The Secret struck a chord because we've been trained to believe we're missing out if we don't instantly fulfill all our desires. The film insinuates that there's a secret you need to learn to "make it all happen."
When we believe that lacking something means something is wrong or that we're less valuable than others, we'll always feel bad about ourselves and our lives.
Lack is a non-negotiable aspect of the physical experience. You'll always be in the process of moving toward more of what you need for soul expansion. And because there's always more to experience, some part of you will always be lacking.
If something isn't missing (perceptually), nothing is causing an increase in your desire to expand.
Lacking something we want does not mean we're less worthy than those with what we desire. Lacking (the perception we don't have something we want) is only evidence that we're moving through a creative process of expansion and contraction.
Your path to creating more of what you want looks nothing like anyone else's. When you see something in the physical world that makes you think, Wow, I'd love to have that! trust your path to create it is unique to you. The life lessons (life lessons = soul themes) you encounter as you create what appears to be the same thing someone else has is yours and yours alone.
If you want to create a "six-figure income" because you're bombarded with social media ads that tell you other people have time and money freedom that you don't have, the path to get there looks nothing like the people writing the ads. (This is energetically no different than the monetary FOMO created by The Secret. Humans are currently focused on money as THE form of abundance when many forms lead to the type of soul experience you promised yourself in spirit.
Money is not the only way to experience the joyful, secure frequency you seek. In believing it is, you blind yourself to the other ways currently revealing themselves. In other words, multiple forms of abundance manifest in your reality, but you don't see them because you're too focused on one way.
There are infinite ways to get to a result. Are you open to relaxing your perception of the "right" or "best" way?
Feeling jealous or frustrated (an emotional (emotion indicates vibration) manifestation, BTW) because you don't have something you want isn't helping you create the desired experience. Negative feelings are evidence of an active belief.
What negative belief? That's up to you to figure out, but it might sound like I'm not in the "right" place in life because I can't see a physical rendering of what's in my imagination.
I'm encouraging you to let go of the belief that your imagination is designed to produce a visual (mental) rendering of what you think you're supposed to experience in life.
It is not.
Imagination is a vehicle, a tool, to shift to higher (more expanded) frequencies. Expanded frequencies INCLUDE more. More of what? More ideas, thoughts, feelings, and experiences that are pleasing.
If imagining something specific makes you feel good (good = relaxed, safe, expanded), continue.
If it doesn't feel good, stop trying to make things manifest (happen) through effort. Effort is when you are "trying" to manifest.
You don't need to try. Adjust your frequency to reveal more of what is already available. Something similar but not exactly (or maybe it's exact!) will eventually show up on your 360 surround screen when you tune to the frequency on which it exists.
Manifestation happens in every moment with every thought, word, and deed.
It's NOT a secret.
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