How to Listen & Clearly Hear Your Intuition
Mar 02, 2025
It took me years to learn how to listen and hear my intuition. What was I doing that made it so difficult?
Instead of intuition's signature vibration, I focused on sensory aspects of intuitive communication, such as skin tingles on my arms.
The word listen can be confusing.
Some feel it implies that you focus on tangible things like ideas or when you get the skin-tingling physical-sensorial "goosies" or a sensation in your gut. For others, listening might mean looking at what's happening in their environment and paying attention to external spirit communication, which we refer to as signs.
It wasn't until I switched to noticing intuition's intangible subtle energy and not trying to pin it to one part of my body or thought process that I could IDENTIFY & TRUST intuitive communications frequently and confidently.
Intuition doesn't work in one way. It's not just gut feelings or random hunches. It comes through in a multiplicity of ways. There are too many ways to count because they are specific to each individual. Millions of people mean millions of different ways intuition will come through.
However, we tend to agree that inclinations, gut feelings, and hunches are common physio-sensorial ways.
I have discovered that we often miss intuitive communication because we're looking to identify it in the one or two common ways we've experienced it in the past. We're looking for intuition to come through in agreed-upon societal ways and neglect to notice it as a simple vibrational tone that may or may not be picked up in the abdominal area or be identified as a hunch.
Interestingly, I wonder if the feeling most commonly noticed is fear and not authentic, intuitive communication. To know what is true for you, you'd need to pay attention to what feels like fear, doubt, or anxiety, for example, versus positive energy.
Fear, doubt, and anxiety feel constrictive and cause tension in the body and mind; intuition feels expansive and relaxes the body with feelings of safety, certainty, and being loved.
Intuitive information lets you know all is well, even if your physical POV momentarily can't see how.
When you notice intuitive energy's signature vibration, that moment is evidence of you choosing to open up to the broader, nonphysical energy that is the real you. In relaxing the idea that you are separate from spirit, intuitive experiences are you realizing— through your physical lens, that you are a multidimensional spirit.
The only way intuitive information is kept out of your experience is when you believe you cannot recognize it or energize (focus on) the idea of distrust instead of trust.
In other words, intuitive energy/ideas/experiences "seep" into your physical experiences because you have momentarily, for whatever reason, stopped blocking them out.
I've come to realize that intuitive information IS a subtle energy signature. It uses the concept of hunches or gut feelings, for example, because that is what we trust. We expect intuition to be realized in specific, agreed-upon ways, and knowing this, intuition uses these methodologies because it's the path of least resistance to reach our awareness.
Intuition is not a hunch; it simply uses the concept of what you believe a hunch is to get its message through.
Intuition is not a gut feeling. Instead, it cleverly uses the idea of what you believe a gut feeling is to reach you.
Intuition uses your active beliefs as a vehicle to reach your conscious physical awareness.
By focusing on its subtle vibrational tone, you'll learn to recognize it more often, no matter the sensorial-physical way it is delivered.
Intuitive information is rarely pointed, startling, or loud. It won't always come with skin goosies or a gut feeling. Sometimes, it's an interesting idea or a thought that feels familiar. Pay more attention to the energy signature accompanying the thought than the thought itself.
It might not be jarring or sudden, like a flash of insight; it'll more likely be recognizable and easily assimilated like a repeated idea or tendency to want to do this one thing.
However it gets delivered to you, the more you hone in on its energy signature, the more you'll learn to trust your eternal and endless intuitive communication.
Trusting your intuitive communication comes with practice; let's start practicing now.
Think back to a time when you were sure about an intuitive hit. How did it come through? An idea? Were you able to identify it because of the situation you were in?
Don't think too hard about this memory. It's okay if you're unsure how it felt or what the "energy signature of the download" felt like in your body.
If this exercise creates doubt, allow that feeling to be acceptable. Don't fight it.
This memory recall exercise aims to summon intuition's subtle energy signature to come with it, if possible.
Now, ask for future clarity regarding what intuition's subtle energy feels like without a physio-sensorial experience.
Who are you asking? Whomever you want.
Ask the universe, your spirit guides, or angels. Ask your Higher Self, soul team, or alien beings. It matters not who you ask but that you are truly interested in clarity.
It's easy to forget to focus on identifying the "energy signature" of intuitive information, which is what you're looking to do. Ask for increasing clarity about the energy profile of your intuitive hits. You can do this in your head or aloud.
"I am excited to identify the energy profile of my intuitive information. It's okay if this takes a while. It'll come through in many ways, surprising and delighting me."
In The Halfways: A Guidebook for Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection, I wrote about how intuition comes through in everyday life.
One day, while sorting the mail flyers to recycle, I paused on one. Instead of focusing on the details of the flyer, I paid more attention to the feeling. It wasn't located in my gut or head. It was simply a generalized sensation.
It was a college flyer. We were in the process of deciding which colleges my middle child would visit. My pausing was an indication to ask more about this college.
Ultimately, my child decided on a different school to attend, but visiting the one on the flyer was necessary for the college selection journey.
The moral of this story is two-fold.
One, intuition, is often a general feeling that prompts you to act in a certain way regarding a situation.
Two, intuition is not a decision-making tool. It's not trying to tell you the right choice. It's a GUIDANCE MECHANISM inviting you to move in that general direction on a never-ending path of experiences.
Intuition seeks to communicate from a broader, outside-of-the-time-space continuum perspective. It attempts to influence your decisions, leading you to situations that provide the soul-defining experiences you requested as a non-physical being.
Intuition offers guidance in "large" and "small" situations because everything is relative when you are non-physical. Something seemingly small to you is not necessarily small in your life's larger plan. Something that feels large to your physical perspective may, in fact, not be that consequential in the long run.
Either way, intuition is helping mold your soul's journey. Hearing and trusting intuitive guidance makes living your life easier because you feel more confident about how it unfolds.
5 Keys to Mastering Intuition Cheat Sheet!
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