How to Get the Naysayers Out of Your Headspace
Oct 20, 2024
When the Naysayers invade your headspace, it takes its toll.
You feel bad about yourself, your potential, and your options.
Maybe someone told you you were terrible at something or that you'd never get it right. Perhaps a Naysayer suggested that you were too slow or not good enough.
Even though the Naysayers were wrong, they now occupy precious mental real estate. How do you get them out?
One way is to understand that part of you believes them. That's how they "got in your head" and now live there rent free.
Beliefs are the foundation of physical reality.
Beliefs are identified via vibration. You know what you believe by how you FEEL.
What does it mean to feel a belief?
It means a feeling is attached to the belief, which is how it becomes known to you when activated. You can't have a belief without some feeling attached to it. Beliefs and feelings co-exist to enhance self-awareness. If you believe something, there's a corresponding feeling, and vice versa.
Your feelings might be positive (expansive) or negative (contracting), but I'm discussing negative ones in this post.
Awareness often begins with general statements such as "I don't feel great," "I feel blah," or "something doesn't feel right." Eventually, identifiable emotions like anger, disappointment, or fear surface.
When someone says, "OMG, what are you thinking?! Are you nuts?!" and it resonates with your active self-doubt, you'll notice a triggered emotion. It's typically a strong emotion since an accusatory statement is quite startling, but it might also be sadness because you, too, believe what you're working toward is impossible.
Your emotional response to the biting question indicates what type of belief you hold active. In the example of someone implying you'll never succeed or that you were irresponsible, it's a self-centric (about yourself), fear-based (constricting as opposed to expansive) belief.
If someone asked you the same question and you didn't have self-doubt, you would not react. You'd dismiss them and move on. They wouldn't be allowed into your headspace. You wouldn't give their comment a second thought.
There is no shame in admitting you hold limiting beliefs about yourself. We all have them. This reality is based on limitations, and it's impossible to exist in this realm without them.
Instead of getting defensive and pretending you don't have self-doubt or, worse, spending excessive amounts of energy to "overcome" it, acknowledge (to yourself) from where the irritation stems. Recognize that you have self-doubt and that this person's words activate it.
You now have greater inner clarity.
When you decide as a soul (Non-physical consciousness) to have a physical experience, step one is to limit your access to the knowledge and awareness of your connection to All-That-Is. This is a self-guided, self-governed process of putting up mental barriers between your absolute connected-to-everything nonphysical consciousness and your new creation: a limited physical mind POV. YOU put up the perceived divide between your spirit and physical selves.
Realizing that your soul doesn't go anywhere when you have a physical experience is helpful for better comprehending the soul and physical experience. No one's soul enters and leaves the physical body. Instead, the physical experience is a focal point WITHIN your non-physical consciousness. Creating a physical experience is akin to being in a separate room within a mansion. The walls give the perception of a disconnected space, but you're still inside the mansion.
Your physical experience happens inside the greater expanse of your soul energy. You create a sense of isolation by adapting the ideas of separation and disconnection. Why? To see your eternal existence through a new POV. You are an "advanced" soul fully capable of moving through the intense sense of isolation your spirit created to have a physical experience.
Thoughts of limitation and separation are required for the physical experience. The only way to be limited-thought free is to transition back to spirit.
Thoughts of limitation and separation are not defects in your software. They directly result from choosing to have a physical experience and allowing your soul energy to expand and become more. The most effective way to grow is to experience contrast. Contrast is full of limitations.
Start thinking of your limiting thoughts as harbingers of important news. When you recognize a limiting thought because you have connected the dots between beliefs and emotions, you better understand that you decide which beliefs stay active and which ones die due to a lack of energy.
Get excited about your new clarity instead of getting mad at someone who shares their limiting beliefs about your capabilities. Say to yourself, "Wow, I now have a better idea of my active beliefs about my future because of how I reacted to your ideas of limitation!"
Telling the person off doesn't change your limiting beliefs about yourself; it only makes you feel better briefly. It's not a long-term solution to changing your negative beliefs.
Once you recognize a limiting belief in action, allow it to be identified and seated at the table. Suppressing it never changes it. Instead, suppression imbues it with the power to stay active .... because anything you give energy to stays active. Trying to "push something down" is giving it energy.
After you've identified the belief, ask, "What would I need to believe is true about myself and this situation to feel the way I do?"
Limiting beliefs appear way less threatening once you've given them a seat at the table. Facing your fears head-on isn't as scary as it feels when the limiting beliefs are still being suppressed. Instead, tell someone you trust about what you're scared of. If you tell a less supportive individual, recognize gaslighting when it happens, such as "You have nothing to worry about."
When you share what you're worried about, it's never helpful to be told you have nothing to worry about. That doesn't help because you are afraid. Your worry is evidence of a limiting belief about yourself relative to the topic.
Discussing the true nature of beliefs and how to shift them would be more helpful.
Once you recognize a negative belief, decide what you'd rather believe. Focus on this more interesting belief.
Instead of spending weeks ironing out all the details of your action plan (a goal that others said was impossible for crazy), which can cause stress because you also believe that a "good plan" is required to get from point A to B, allow synchronicity to guide you.
Synchronicity is a governing factor of this universe. It's the mechanism that keeps manifestation happening. There is red and green light synchronicity.
Green-light synchronicity indicates you can make this choice at this moment. Red light synchronicity means that this is not the way at this moment. It doesn't mean it won't potentially be the way in the future; it simply means another door is awaiting your pass-through.
When you experience red light synchronicity, it doesn't mean all is lost. Get accustomed to looking for other options as the more in-the-flow choice for now.
In summary, to change a limiting belief and get Naysayers out of your headspace, you:
- Identify how you feel.
- Ask yourself, "What would I need to believe is true about myself regarding this situation to feel the way I do?"
- Let the limiting belief see the light. Talk about it. Write, draw, or dance it out. Let it come to the surface. Acknowledge it. Getting it into the light diminishes its power.
- Articulate what you'd prefer to believe. Focus on it.
- Allow synchronicity to guide your steps/actions.
- Remain calm when you experience red light synchronicity and choose another doorway to walk through. Synchronicity is opening only doors that lead you to what you need. There is no such thing as a "gotcha!" doorway. The universe isn't caustic or aggressive negative.
- Practice the above steps. Deflating a limiting belief and strengthening a positive belief happens over time and with practice.
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