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Feeling Secure In the Pause

Jan 12, 2024

When you're cruising along in life, and things are happening, it's easy to feel secure, happy, and productive.

But what happens when there's a pause and "nothing is happening?"

Do you feel less than? Unproductive? Does it feel like your purpose or project has gone off the rails?

How do you feel when nothing is happening the same or appears as if nothing is happening?

The most challenging part of being human is being okay with an apparent pause in productivity and action.

For many, The Pause comes with increased anxiety and a sense of disenfranchisement. We intuitively know we have the ability (right) to make our dreams come true (create) in this reality, so it creates anxiety when things don't go as planned.

It has taken me years of study and understanding to relate to The Pause positively. Ten years ago, it scared me to death. I panicked and often cried—a lot.

I railed against what I thought was (not) happening or "going wrong," looking skyward and shaking my fists at some invisible punitive power.

I assumed that it was all over for me if things weren't showing precisely as I envisioned or desired. I had no sense of orientation amid confusion. The Pause quickly threw me off my sense of balance ... because I never had a true sense of vibrational equilibrium. I allowed the external environment to affect my emotional, vibrational reality.

Have you ever felt this way?

Be honest.

Have you ever felt like The Pause was a sign that you weren't meant to be happy or have things go your way?

How about imagining that The Pause is a punishment for something you did wrong or a sign that you are unworthy? The Pause often produces a powerful sense of panic and thoughts of spiritual abandonment.

Who'd I think was abandoning me?

The Universe, of course. The universe is often anthropomorphized. We imbue the cosmos with the human characteristics of negativity, such as anger, division, revenge, and punishment. We empower it to "teach us a lesson" because of "bad" or "less than" behavior, which is what humans do to each other.

The energetic substance of this vibrational reality does not think in human ways. It is only made of unconditional love.

Unconditional is the crucial term. There is no condition in which you are unloved and unsupported.

The substance, the idea of what we call "the universe," is us. It is not separate; we are not separate.

Division is a concept only conceivable in this reality. Nonphysical consciousness (spirit) is incapable of thinking in traditionally negative ways. 

Negative, mechanically speaking, is a seperative energy. It excludes; it doesn't include.

The Nonphysical (spirit) you celebrates the idea that a part of your overall consciousness is experiencing the concept of "being human," of which core attributes are feeling individual and looking through the lens of negativity. 

The 100% connected spirit you thrives on investigating the IDEA of separation.

To the human mind, this sounds unkind. Not getting what we want right away sounds mean and unfair to the mind that sees itself as separate from Source as either deserving or not, based on actions.

However, spirit knows there must be contrast for the universe to expand. Contrast is when you experience something you didn't see coming and might not enjoy. Contrast births the new that has never been before in the universe. It allows you to expand your desires and visions in ways you never would have before.

The Pause is contrast—while also being full of it. (This is not an either/or existence; it's an 'and' reality.) The Pause doesn't contain animosity for its existence. It simply is. We bring the meaning and the POV that it's a "pause" in the first place.

You are never really separate from Source Energy. You are a portion of Source's overall consciousness, experiencing itself as a unique expression. You ARE Source reflecting to itself a new, expanding POV.

When we think of ourselves, we feel alone and separate. We think: I am me, and you are you—the universe is either supporting or testing/punishing me.

The part of your overall consciousness that is having the human experience creates the idea that everything is external and individualized. There appears to be an observable, uncontrollable world outside of you happening. Because of this POV, we also view The Universe as something outside us with personalized thoughts, feelings, intents, and actions.

Yet, it is not separate with intentions to help, harm, or "teach us a lesson."

The Universe is us. We are the universe. Therefore, we hold the power to create any experience we desire: one of pause or flow.

This reality is a mirror of what is happening inside us. However, because this reality is happening only in a portion of our consciousness, we don't completely understand experiences such as The Pause.

Due to our lack of understanding, we do the only thing we can: try to figure it out with the understanding that we do have. The POV and knowledge that we possess are filtered through positive and negative. We categorize experiences based on how we perceive them. 

When we perceive an experience like The Pause as negative, it typically engages other beliefs such as, "Nothing ever works out for me," "Why is this happening to me!" or "This (The Pause) is a sign I should give up. This simply isn't working out."

It will also look dismal when viewing an experience through a negative lens.

What's the solution?

Practice a new POV. Understand that a negative perspective doesn't need to be eliminated for you to feel better and things to change. Allow the negative ideas and feelings to be. Shift your POV, incorporating the idea that YOU are the universe and have complete creative control. 

To experience the sense of overall creative control, engage a broader part of your overall consciousness. Tap into the part that has the bird's eye view. Imagine your human perspective is down on the trail, traveling through the bush and forest. Most of the time, your view is obstructed. You can't see everything ahead of you. You move forward seemingly randomly.

Your broader perspective, the part of you still in spirit, has the overall perspective. It can see where you are at the moment. It knows where you want to go, what life themes you decided on before you projected your consciousness into this frequency, and the path to travel that will be the most fun and meaningful.

Your broader perspective is the thing to lean on when you are anxious in The Pause. It provides a palpable sense of peace and knowing that you won't find anywhere else. 

What if The Pause is positive? What if The Pause allows you the necessary time for introspection and clarity while the universe responds kindly?

What if this isn't a negative pause but a positive beat?

You will always feel bad if you default to taking score by what's happening externally and feel bad because you don't see evidence or proof of the changes you want. There isn't another ending to that story.

If you learn to shift your POV to a more inclusive one, taking into account that no external universe is punishing you or controlling the game pieces, you experience the creative power that was always yours.

Ask yourself, "What can I take from this period of calm that I knew I needed?" Remind yourself that you created it for yourself for a (positive) reason. There's something in it that is helping you create more of what you want in life.

This reality is unconditional. It supports you in everything. Any emotion, belief, and feeling is 100% supported. This is only possible because love is all there is. You are 100% loved and trusted. If you engage in a limiting POV, belief, feelings, or action, you are FULLY supported.

Why? Because you are the universe—which you formally personified and thought of as external. You ("you" means the small portion of your overall consciousness creating this human experience) create your reality with full, nonjudgmental support from your Higher Self. Higher Self is part of your "broader" perspective.

Broader means more inclusive. What is your Higher Self seeing that you don't? How you are fully supported in anything and everything, even experiences your physical POV translates as scary, anxiety-inducing, nerve-racking, and confusing.

The Pause falls into the later categories for more people. When something appears to disappear or not show up, it typically worries people. They feel bad about themselves and their lives. They imagine the worst. They revert to believing it'll (the goal or vision) never happen for them or that what they want (their dream) is over. 

When you incorporate the ideas of a broader perspective and that you always experience what is relevant for you, even a period of pause, shifting back to a feeling of ease is much easier.

Creating your life with ease and appreciation makes you much more likely to produce experiences that align with your hopes and dreams.

It is nearly impossible to look at what you consider a negative life experience and feel good. I never advise pretending you feel anything other than how you do. If you think a pause in the action is a sign that you should give up your dreams, that thought will never feel good. 

Instead, try shifting to the POV that you are the universe, have 100% control and support from your Higher Self, and that this pause period was created for you by you.

You are the universe. Remind yourself that there is nothing outside of you conspiring for your demise and inflicting pain.

Pain is caused by not understanding the nature of consciousness and reality. Discontent comes from believing that external forces intentionally complicate life and throw you curve balls.

This is NOT what's happening, but when you look at the contrast punitively, it feels like it.

The Pause is not a sign you need to abandon your dreams. It's not a message from the universe that you are unworthy of happiness and success. The universe doesn't care the way you think it does.

The universe is 100% supportive no matter how you believe, think, feel, and act. It is a neutral creative component of existence. It does not have a human personality, no matter how many times we fictionalize that it does.

You are creating this inclusive, holistic life experience to benefit your eternal, experiential, expanding existence. You haven't wasted time, and things are not going awry.

Take a beat. Adjust your vibration.

Sit with nature. Allow space in your being.

Understand your creative power. Stop blaming external entities such as "the universe."

Take a deep breath. Embrace your eternal nature.

Claim your worthiness. Understand that human consciousness is a fractalized experience and that until you reemerge into your Nonphysical consciousness, there are certain things you may not fully grasp. 

The Pause is your friend. Use it to the fullest. Take advantage of its positive attributes. 

I am currently in The Pause, so this advice is as much for me as it is for those who stumble upon it. I, too, need reminding of how to embrace the time in my life when it appears things are not happening. It is so easy to get swept up in fear. I often have thoughts of giving up my hopes and dreams when The Pause settles upon my existence.

In the past, I did panic. I spent countless days and weeks feeling less than and hopeless. I truly believed that there was such a thing as a "wrong turn" on life's path, which increased my sense of panic and loss. To date, I still feel the rumblings of negative beliefs fighting to stay relevant in my consciousness.

It takes concentration and focus to broaden my awareness, including more of what I know to be true. When I do this, I instantly feel better. I resonate with the belief that I haven't lost time and that things are not going off track. I remember that there is no such thing as "off track." Ideas of lack are always optional POVs from the human perspective, but I don't have to keep looking at my life through these limiting POVs.

I do have options about how I want to think and feel. We all do.

Contact me today if you want to become more intuitive, transform fear and doubt, and own your uniqueness. Let's see if working together is right for us. 


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