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Can You Be Happy With What Is?

Jul 24, 2023

Or do you need things to change before you feel peaceful and satisfied?

I've been pondering this question a lot lately.

At first, when things aren't going your way, it's challenging to be happy with what is.

But then—it gets easier when you realize that inner peace is transformative. It transforms the inside and the outside. 

If you've been around the self-help block, you've probably encountered the ideas of vibration and resonance. Vibration is the idea that we are vibrational energy at our core. The essence of us is Nonphysical, eternal energy that vibrates.

I looked up the definition of resonance. The Britannica Dictionary definition resonated with me the most.

It said: [formal] the quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to someone; [technical] a sound or vibration produced in one object caused by the sound or vibration produced in another.

Blending the ideas of us being vibrational beings and resonance, let's take a closer look at vibrational resonance and whether we need things to be different or not to be happy.

There's not one of us who'll live forever. Eventually, the physical aspect of us changes its rate of expression and transitions back to only spirit. In the meantime, knowing there's more to us than just a meat suit is helpful to establishing a sense of satisfaction.

Water (liquid), stream (water vapor), and ice (solid) are different manifestational forms of the same essential substance: H2O. Depending on their frequency rate, they are variant expressions of the same core vibration.

A physical being is densified energy "in the flesh." We are ice in the above example. Slowing the rate of vibration allows energy to "gel" in a way that spirit can not.

Spirit (water vapor in the above example) is energy pulsating at a frequency that doesn't allow it to present as physical.

Quasi-physical (water in the above example) at times, such as spirits who can manipulate reality, turning lights or a television on or off, playing with electromagnetic energy, but not 100% in the same way that you and I show up as those who are "alive."

Our essence is "high vibe," meaning at our core, we are expanded and connected Nonphysical energy. We are more like a rainbow where the colors blend one into another than separate. We are not connected to spirit; we are spirits. We are spirits who've decided to relegate a portion of our consciousness to the idea and experience of physicality. We are water, stream, and ice at the same time.

Why have we relegated a portion of our consciousness to the physical perspective? To know ourselves from a new POV [point of view].

What point of view? The POV that selectively forgets its essence is connected to All-That-Is. A POV that is in the process of remembering its true power. This unique POV momentarily forgets it is simultaneously water, stream, and ice.

What's its true power? It's an eternal vibrational being that is always and forever connected to everything good that it wants.

High vibe means expanded vibrational beings connected (like blended rainbow colors) to All-That-Is. All-That-Is refers to the energy that makes up everything in the universe. The One is the All, and the All is the One.

Applying the term resonance to the idea of whether or not we can be happy with what is or whether we need things to change before we can be satisfied means looking at the core of who we are as we ask the question.

Using this definition of resonance: a sound or vibration produced in one object caused by the sound or vibration produced in another, we can better understand how being happy with what is changes our surroundings.

The "sound" produced by the essence of who we are is "high." The vibration of our inner being, our inner self, is love itself.

Attaining a sense of satisfaction is simple. Echo or mirror the vibration produced by your true self (the "object" in the definition of resonance). In this example, nothing outside of you requires changing to be happy and satisfied.

Instead, you are mirroring the vibration of your true self, and "miraculously," the external reality begins to change. It feels like magic. But it's not. It's vibrational resonance.

You mirror your inner being's high vibrational resonance; the external reality matches your physical persona's vibrational resonance.

Your inner sense of satisfaction is intimately connected to all the external good you want to experience. The outside is at the mercy of your internal vibration.

When we align with that high (expanded and connected) energy, instead of waiting for the outside to change to feel good, we feel good. Consequently, external reality has no choice but to change to match the resonance of our inner being.

When looking at physical reality, it can sometimes be challenging to align emotionally with the idea that everything is okay now. We can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell the world around us; that input isn't always great.

It's easy to look at what is happening and think, "Clearly, all is not right with the world, and if this or that would just change, THEN I could feel satisfied."

But according to vibrational resonance, as I defined it here when we align with the high vibe essence of who we really are, things change accordingly. According to what? According to the natural high vibe of our spirit self.

External reality is a mirror of internal reality. When we feel bad, we readily perceive that which is easy to feel pessimistic about. By this definition, if we wait for things outside of us—people, situations, and circumstances, to change, and they don't, we'll never feel satisfied.

Contrarily, if we resonate with our high vibe inner spiritual aspect now, the external world naturally changes to match that vibration. Thus, we can experience vibrational resonance on a helpful 3-D level.

Physical reality mirrors our inner vibrational realities, both individually and collectively. Don't wait for the external world to change before you invest in feeling satisfied.

I'm encouraging you to feel satisfied before the job shows up or the person who behaves poorly in your life changes.

I invite you to know that temporary physicality reflects a more permanent internal reality.

It reflects your vibrational resonance with your loving inner being or your resonance with (focus on) what you don't want.

It doesn't always feel like a choice, but it is. Coming to terms with your spiritual origins and that you are simultaneous "water, stream, and ice" creates great clarity and empowers you to choose your vibrational countenance. It helps you stay centered and grounded as life constantly shifts around you.

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