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Blocks and Limiting Beliefs

Aug 15, 2023

The following is an excerpt from my book The Halfways: A Guidebook for Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection

Blocks and Limiting Beliefs

It isn’t your intuition or your connection to it that’s your challenge. It’s the limiting beliefs about yourself concerning intuition that are causing your experience of disconnection. You think it’s a problem with intuition not coming through properly, that you don’t have any, or that it’s blocked. 

Your intuitive mechanism is 100% functional. There’s never been a problem with intuition itself. It’s only ever been about limiting beliefs. Mentioning this idea doesn’t make you a believer. It just makes it an idea about which you’re thinking. Belief is a vibrational concept; you’ll know when you believe something based on how you feel and what shows up. Only experiential learning converts nonbelievers into believers. You must experience these ideas in your mind and body to resonate with them.

Pause for a moment. Stop reading and sit with the idea
that your limiting beliefs get stronger by focusing on them.

Pause for a moment. Stop reading and sit with the idea that your limiting beliefs get stronger by focusing on them. It’s the opposite of how you spent years coached by standardized views. Traditional American education teaches the only way to fix a problem is to work on it.

Feel into your body. Briefly invite your limiting beliefs to become more pronounced so that you may see them differently. They only feel insurmountable due to the focused energy you’re putting into them.

You can strengthen your intuition by relaxing. What do you feel when you read that sentence? Doubt? Resistance? If so, that’s your limiting belief revealing itself in real time. It’s not hidden on a sub-level of awareness. If you experience discomfort around an idea, you know how you feel. Even if it’s Meh or I feel yucky, that’s an excellent place to begin understanding your feelings.

Beliefs are the blueprint of your house. Nonphysical consciousness flows through your beliefs to form a perceptible and understandable experience. If you didn’t have beliefs as you do right now, you wouldn’t have the experience of being a unique human. 

Seeing your beliefs for what they are is challenging when you look through them daily. They seem so logical, which is why it’s so easy to resonate with ideas of doubt, uncertainty, and disconnection. They feel familiar and comfortable, seeming so matter-of-fact. 

Beliefs work in conjunction with feelings. If beliefs didn’t have predetermined alliances with emotion, there’d be no reinforcing component to make this reality seem real. Beliefs alone don’t have transformative power. A belief doesn’t get you off of or keep you on the couch. Beliefs in cooperation with feelings, however, produce an experience inspiring action and involvement in the physical world. When things feel real, we act in accordance.

There is a natural rush of out-of-alignment energy when you feel negative emotions. Let’s continue with guilt, as I’ve already mentioned. If someone believes they’re following intuition and something terrible happens, they might feel guilty.

Sensations of fear (of which guilt is a derivation) show you when you’re out of alignment with your true, love-based self. After about ten to 15 seconds of that natural rush of energy, you enter a state of habituation. Momentum carries you away. Pay close attention to the beliefs or thoughts that caused that initial rush of energy and practice responsibility (the ability to respond, not react).

The ability to respond and not react is where your true power lies. It’s the ability to notice how the energy is coursing through your body. Learn to catch your feelings and understand why you feel that way. Welcome the belief revealing itself, so you can more clearly identify it by the direction of the sensation: expanding or constricting.

Every belief serves us in some way, even the negative ones. Every constricting separation-based idea supports something we believe we need to be “safe.” When you let go of your negative beliefs about yourself and intuition, they will no longer appear logical.

Grab your copy of The Halfways on Amazon now.


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