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You Don't Have to Go Back to Fix the Issue

Apr 25, 2023

If you have an issue, you don't have to "go back" into the past to fix it. There are no "childhood issues" that need resolving. Whatever you're thinking about TODAY produces an active vibration within you. And today's vibration is producing today's issues.

It's not a past issue; it's a happening-right-now issue.

Humans tend to push back against the idea that if something happened in childhood, you need to "go back" there to fix it. If you have an issue, it doesn't matter when it happened. All emotional issues are happening now, or they're not happening at all.

Childhood contains an infinite number of experiences. You don't remember most of them. You remember the ones with which you're in harmony. It doesn't matter whether it's a harmonic or discordant frequency. It'll be translated if you're resonating in harmony with an idea.

This is an essential shift in your POV (point of view), helping you understand what's happening emotionally and why. Emotions are an indication of what's happening vibrationally. And everything is vibrational. It's the most important concept we can understand as spiritual (vibrational) beings perceiving ourselves from a physical POV.

Human language is very confusing. We discuss "past" and "future" problems while never leaving the present moment. We've convinced ourselves that the past exists. It doesn't. There is only ONE moment—now, being viewed from infinite different POVs. (I talk a lot about the importance of POV in my book The Halfways: A Guidebook to Strengthening Your Intuitive Connection.)

If something occurred in your past, it can't be your present moment awareness unless you bring it here—mentally, emotionally, and vibrationally.

In a surprising plot twist to this earthy adventure, we are not the thinkers of our thoughts. We are the translator of vibration. Whatever vibration our physically focused consciousness is tuned to brings like energy thoughts to mind. The Law of Attraction makes this happen.

The Law of Attraction is an energetic component of this reality. It allows for two things that are vibrationally alike to experience each other.

If you have a thought, others of similar vibration are "attracted to" its resonance. Another way to interpret the idea of attraction is to know that two like energy reveal themselves to you. In other words, you translate them using your mind as images, thoughts, or ideas.

The thoughts "come together" effortlessly to form a larger image or idea. However, the thoughts are not moving from one place to another, creating the experience of accumulation. You are TRANSLATING more of the same energy thoughts and remembering what thoughts came before so it FEELS like something is "coming together," such as similar thoughts.

You can do this regarding any topic, anytime during your waking hours.

Let's say you remember ('re' means again) a big argument you had with your sister six years ago. It was the argument to end all arguments, and you haven't spoken to each other since. You don't have to "go back" to fix the issue. The issue exists—now, and you've carried the same vibrational countenance into the "future" now. 

There is no past, only now.

Pretend you have an issue with not having enough money. You've identified this problem began in childhood because living below the poverty line or in scarcity consciousness negatively impacted you. You don't have to "go back" to fix this issue. There's no past to which you can return. 

Instead, you can "re" member the experience, putting it back together in the now. However, you can never "go back" to that exact moment again, not in the same way it was experienced the first time.

Heraclitus once said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river, and he is not the same man.”

Your money issue exists now in this present moment; they stem from the now, not the past.

So what do you do if you can't "go back" to the past that exists only in your recall? How to you "heal" your "inner self" and fix the problem?

The problem you feel today can only be fixed by adjusting your current vibration. Once you change your vibration (belief) in the now, the past also changes. Being a different person now changes your POV and accessibility to memories.

Get honest with the idea that it's only a "problem" because it resonates with this moment.

Ask yourself, "What would I need to (feel) believe is true about myself to feel the way I do?"

Do you (feel) believe you didn't have the power to stand up for yourself?

Do you (feel) believe you'll never have the financial experience you desire—because it's never happened before?

Do you (feel) believe no one will ever love you as you are today?

When you can get clear on the belief, you can transform it or move away from it, focusing on something else.

This is "how" you fix an issue you feel resides in the past. 

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